RCIA in Saint Mungo's
If you or if you know someone who has been considering joining the Catholic Church please speak with Fr Frank C.P.RCIA for individuals joining the Church is about a journey and requires people from the community to journey with them as they undertake the necessary parish instruction to become full members of the Church. If you think you could give sometime to assist someone in their journey in to the Church please contact Fr Frank. |
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the name given to the process of someone wishing to join the Catholic church. It requires a period of enquiry and then a period of Catechumen receiving instruction from the community on what is involved in becoming and living life as a Catholic. A persons journey to become a Catholic can take several years although ideally if someone has expressed an interest to a Parish Priest then once enrolled with their diocese the preparation should start Oct/Nov just prior to Advent and culminate in being fully received in to the Church at the Easter Vigil. It requires weekly meetings with the parish community and also individual reading, studying and prayer between the weekly sessions.
The entire process is explained by Fr Frank and the RCIA Team in Saint Mungo's.